Good morning Harrison. How are you enjoying October conference?
Harrison says, "It's excellent. Thanks for asking. Troy and I are enjoying it very much..." which Troy replied, "you're breathing my air Harrison! Get off me!"
[In a Austrian accent] Harrison: "I will crush you."
So Dad had to save Troy from his first brawl, but otherwise was really grateful for the opportunity to watch General Conference and be spiritually refreshed.
Jeanine's pregnant, so she gets a pass on this one...
...but the Millers get NO PASS. No soup for you!
Recently Dad and Troy have had a really fun tradition of Sabbath Day Showers. Troy is really liking the water and his rubber duck toys.
To be fair, Troy likes everything (except big person food) so this isn't really much of a compliment for Dad.
Troy has also started sitting up a little bit. "Rolling over is for babies," Troy says. "Real toddlers just figure out walking and roll with it."
Hey Harrison. How did you get here...? Where are your parents?
Birthdays are Christmas are an adventure for the Alexandria Moreiras because we usually have three of each - one with family, one with friends, and one with each other (sometimes more). So following are pictures of Cristy's Burke Moreira/Wright family birthday party.
Troy says, "Thanx 4 this hat Grammy. It fits my dome piece real good."
We had an awesome picnic down by Teddy Roosevelt Island, followed by a walk around the island (it's about a mile).
Cristy turned 1.
Has Abuelo forgotten about blowouts and spit-up?
Out boy is so handsome. We love him.
Nathaniel says (or wanted to), "if you fail to blow out this candle you're really show your age Cristy."
"Abuela, please teach me how to be skinny."
The memorial on the island is small but fun. You should come and see it ;)
Next up: Feeding Troy solids and Halloween