Nathaniel was so happy to see someone elses name pinned onto a stocking. Misery loves company!
Handsome menfolk! (Note: The Lakers lost! Yeah!)
Opening presents was very chaotic, as could be expected with so many kids. Cristy did her best to distribute the presents in a law-abiding way.

Thank you Grandma Sue for our bean bag search toy thingy!

It is fun to watch kids get really excited about something!

No wonder Grandma Sue couldn't get any good pictures ;)

I'm fallen, and I can't get up...

Thanks to Matt for getting Sue Thomas Monson's biography. She liked it!

Brittany = wrapped gift. Dman = empty green box. Who is the family favorite?

George spent considerable amount of time explaining to Troy how he could make this gift better by giving him cooler clothes, a switch blade, and by painting black skulls on him. Thanks George.

The perfect gift for the newly engaged. It says, "we know you are too fat to just want enough food to fit into one pan, so we got you this really really big pan to make you happy."

If this is what 4 kids does to parents facial expressions then we're not interested.

Sadie is becoming such a good helper. Every time Nathaniel or Cristy turned around she was helping some baby with something. Thanks Sa!

A little basket time for the kids...

Troy says, "Get outta my barrel!"
Kevin says, "Squirrel!"
Gibson says, "I'm pooping -- leave me alone!"

Troy says, "I'm going to push you out of this bucket and steal your hat..."


"Let me see your face..."

"and your hairs..."

"...and your hat again -- I wasn't done with it yet."

Wii -- bringing fitness to new generations of gamers every day.

Some are more intense than others...

Sweet girls!

Damon: The Baby Whisperer
Next up: The rest of our CDA vacation!