On October 21-22 the Moreira family traveled three hours south to attend Nathaniel's five-year college reunion. Everyone had a really great time and it was great to catch up with the nearly half of the class that returned from across the country.
They couldn't stay the whole time though because they had to hustle back for Nathaniel's ten-year high school reunion!!!
Nathaniel really enjoyed his department (English & Fine Arts) and made friends with several teachers during his time there. One of them, Penny Ticen, met us for lunch and a tour of the newly renovated campus. A lot had changed!

Troy seemed to enjoy himself and was always taking in the new sights. He was particularly interested in the Saturday morning Alumni Parade.

And the band! Go Tubas!

VMI Alumni are proud of their heritage but not so fond of marching, as the picture illustrates. As one of Nathaniel's good friends put it on Facebook, "going to watch a parade on Saturday because I forgot what it was like to march in 1,000 of them as a Cadet.
(Note: if you look in the center of this picture you can see Troy sitting on Dad's shoulders.)

After the parade we all walked into the courtyard of "Old Barracks" for "Old Yells" for the participating Alumni classes. Much like Computer Science, Engineering, and Mormons, the VMI community has it's own microcosm of language and jargon that must truly be lived to believed or understood.

The Best Class in Barracks!

There are a hundred little things about this school that you are forced to memorize as a young "rat", and a million more you learn as you continue on as a Cadet. This picture alone brings back dozens of memories regarding the administration, architecture, statues, and of course fun, painful, and all together momentous remembrances shared with good friends and Brother Rats.
Enjoy this video, which may seem odd to everyone, but is filled with rich traditions and many proud alumni.
Nathaniel was so happy to share these two days with his family. Nathaniel is also proud to be from the first and only university to send its entire student body to fight in combat, and that continues to send its brothers and sisters into combat today. No less than a half dozen of the class of 2006 have already died on the field of honor, with many more having been injured, and we are all very grateful for their sacrifice, as well as the sacrifice of those that are currently serving (that is, the other half of our graduating class that was not able to attend our reunion).
The following quote was read at the commencement ceremony of the class of 2003:
"Cadets remain stronger and more aggressive than their male counterparts at civilian schools. They eagerly play sports such as rugby, boxing, karate, lacrosse, and football. They drive fast cars or big trucks. They play hard. They drink hard. They are physical, often abusive among each other. They are not trying to prove their manhood: they are celebrating their masculinity. They are competitive, often vulgar, and tough, and every citizen who may someday send a friend or relative into war should rejoice, because combat is competitive, vulgar, and tough, and they will be leading men in combat."
This post is dedicated to us, the Virginia Military Institute, and all of our soldiers who defend our freedoms. Rah Virginia Mil.