For a little break in tradition we had Thanksgiving dinner at Nathaniel's mother's house in Alexandria this year. The food was made prepared via "assigned potluck" and there was PLENTY!
Troy was pretty happy that there were multiple form of cracker on hand.
Nathaniel was delighted to partake of his step-mother's famous coconut pecan brown sugar sweet potatoes. Yummy in his tummy.
Vanessa made the turkey this year, and is was marvelous again. She is now 2/2 and 1/1 on being an incredible host. On top of much food and drink, all guests were supplied with copious holiday music, pool downstairs, and Ghirardelli chocolate :)
Many of us went back for multiple plates because we had to try everything at least once!
What do I spy with my little eye? Grandma Campbell's Famous Rolls! Delicious!
One of Vanessa's work friends at the Patent Office also had a little boy named Aiden that attended. Troy, wanting to be a big boy and do everything that Aiden did, went right over to Aiden's mom and chomped onto her GRANOLA BAR!!!!! HE LOVED IT!!!! We are so proud of Troy for branching out and trying new foods. (Note: he remains a textbook "Sensory Food Aversion" eater and tries two new foods a month.)

A few days later we went over to Nathaniel's step-mother's house in Burke and helped her put up her Christmas tree. It was a lot of fun, and besides having dinner with her -- we <3 you Chinese takeout -- Troy spent some time adapting to her dog Hallie (who he will not stop talking about) we also snagged a few family pics.
You have to give it to Troy -- he's thinking with his noggin'!
Our eating issues continue, but Troy is becoming more and more comfortable eating with his hands and face (and hair, and ears, and...) messy, and that's good news.
In this picture, we believe Troy was saying, " want to get punched in the
Troy says, "that's it Dad. You mess with Troy, you messin' with the BEST!" **Jab to the Nose**
Next Up: Family Christmas Photo Shoot!