Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Old Camera Pics

Nathaniel and Cristy are done unpacking and "normal" life has resumed! The show must go on. 

Nathaniel was cleaning up some pictures from his phone and found these gems that have previously been unshared! Enjoy! of Troy's favorite past times
Super Troy!
How much is there to be sad about when you're 2?
But add in a roller coaster, and...walla!
Studying for Nathaniel's CISSP exam was...rough. It took many bags of Cheetos and highlighters to get through that one. 
"Doctor -- I'm ready for my examination."
Examination Conclusion: positive result.
Wrinkly fingers :)

Dr. Masel strikes again :) We are so grateful for our fantastic 2-0 Doc!
We need a bigger snuggie!