Cristy and I on the way to FHE! I'm watching the stop light, by the way :)

The next time Cristy nags you for eating those potatoe chips or pizza, just whip this picture out of your pocket and enjoy that pizza potatoe chip combo. Ummm...

Cristy trying to redeem herself by a statue of a pineapple

A cool flower joint...

....and then we got lost by the creepy eighteenth century cemetery--established 1759
We have to go to bed soon, so here are the highlights:
1. Cristy and I began Salsa lessons with my family last week. We are learning some crazy hip moves, and the last two weeks we have both come home with sore hips. Hey--an hour of shaking your hips non-stop will do that to you! We love it nontheless :D
2. Cristy got a haircur! See pics...it looks wonderful. Will have to get better pictures next week. She has been shifting back and forth and whether she likes it or not, but I am in love with it. Let her now how pretty she is!

Baby Giant Panda! It looks more like a monkey or something.
3. Cristy and I went to the going away fireside for Elder Zollinger, one of the missionaries who taught me the missioniary discussions. On Sunday, in his last act in Washington D.C. before flying home the following morning, he baptized a young woman by the name of Jen. He's a pretty amazing guy.

Elder Zollinger and I at dinner on Tuesday
4. I played football with the Elder's Quorom on Saturday and together with by buddy Nate (from High School) we completely ruined the other team 6-2. I scored by intercpetion, passing touchdown, and rushing touchdown. Today, however, I am still sore and I walk funny :( After the Marathon Cristy and I stopped running and only started again last month. I haven't done speed work since November and now I am feeling it.
5. I have decided that since Cristy and I don't have kids, I am going to start posting pictures from national geographic and stuff. Maybe your kids will like them ;)
Well that's it for now...until next week. Look how good we are doing! Next week...the futon pics!

The dining room table, our crazy linens, and, that's right, a bunch of empty picture frames :( This frown is for Brady :(

Our cluttered kitchen! We both fit though :)

The other, less cluttered side of the kitchen

A wedding present--it gets passed from one married couple to the next at their reception, and we were the next unlucky couple. I want to keep it, but Cristy can't wait until the next wedding!

Our mirrors and our closet
...but I will let you guess which is which ;)