Married life can be summed up in just one word...Bliss!
Nathaniel and I have started out our married days with many adventures. We have traveled to Texas for his uncle's wedding, cooked asian-style food on our Wok, established a joint checking account, travled to East Tennessee for a friends wedding, camped and cooked on an open fire, and taught a Gospel Essentials Sunday School class in our new ward.
The highligh of the wedding in Texas was getting to meet/visit the Wright Family. Nathaniel's mother has two brothers: Randy, and Patrick (groom and 29 years old). Patrick is more an older brother than an Uncle to Nathaniel because they spend so much time together when he was younger. They even lived in the same house growing up for awhile. We also spent time with Nathaniel's Grandparents. They are no longer married, but it is obvious they love their childrend. Grandma teared up the moment she saw her grandchildren. She is a sweet, sincere woman and a beautiful Mother of the Groom. Nathaniel's Grandpa can be complimented equally and I really enjoyed meeting him. He does have his own style and I was "warned," but our family blended beautifully. The only disappointment was not winning a single game of Skip-Bo against Carly (my new little sister).
Nathaniel has been busy with his job and "training" his new boss. The news and many political events have also kept him very busy. Any questions about the canidates platforms, political points-of-view, or political background he will be able to answer. He is very opened mind and has a good grasp on the canadiates policies... it is going to be a tight race. (Nathaniel's Note: I have an unalienable dislike for Governor Palin, aka "The Pit Bull")
I have been busy at work as well and expect it to get a bit busier. I have accepted a promotion as a Corporate Dietitian. Basically, I will spilt my time between two skilled nursing facilities and work with the management of thsoe facilities to provide exceptional nutritional care. I am excited for the opportunity.
Nathaniel and I are happy to be a bit more settled and able to plan new adventures, start exercising more often and become regular bloggers.
Well, that's it for now! Look forward to tommorow's blog (it's Monday blog night, remember ;)
~Cristy and Nathaniel
sounds cool to me. but come on sis you need to keep your cambell roots and do better at the card games :)
Monday night blog night? Enough said on that - but I would like to know why N is against Palin - news here has her "favorable". remember I live in Republican world. Nice to see you guys have been having fun! LOVE YOU BOTH
I don't think Nathaniel wants to discuss politics with me.... :>P- so even though I am literally itching to respond to his Palin remarks, I'm refraining.... watch me refrain.... I can do this.... really I can....
I was having a bad night until I saw you had updated. Thank you!
No way. This must be the post for this quarter of the year. Glad to hear everything is going well. Love you guys,
yeah a new entry! We're so glad everything is going well. Also, we would have to say we ar "nonpartisen" but it is nice to hear that someone else thinks the R-party doesn't walk on water;-)
hope to see more entries soon.
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