- We both still have jobs (though we both had close encounters). My situation is so screwed up that everyone I talk to about it raises their eyebrow and tells me it's time to move on. Cristy's company downsized and, though she was spared, got demoted from regional dietitian to facility dietitian a few months earlier than planned. Oh well--we're doing better than some of our friends and she got to keep her raise and laptop!
- Cristy is no longer traveling to Warsaw once a week (see above).
- My Dad is on book four in the Work and the Glory series (he started in September).
- I am officially an Election Official, all set to work the polls from 5AM - 7 PM. After Cristy and I will kick it at an Election Party sponsored by my company on Pennsylvania Ave. (just a few hundred meters from our country's favorite politician, President W. It's an all night event so we'll see how long we make it.)
- Pit Crew (Marching Band parents) obligations are over, culminating in the Band's achievement of a Superior rating in the State marching competition. Carly's senior year! Crazy!
- Cristy found amazing pumpkin recipes that she wants to post (next time) and the Pumpkin soup is coming up later tonight! Yum. Ask her later about the nickname I gave to her pumpkin seed recipe :P
- We are both looking for new jobs to start before December (mine is a long story, Cristy's is shorter). We both should get paid more with less work, which is win win for us. Unfortunately, we just resigned our lease in October, so moving to Oregon is out :(
- Cristy taught me to sew and I suck at it (per Cristy, not true - he is a natural).
- We're still not pregnant, even though 95% of the Ward Missionary Council and all of my best friends are expecting soon
- We carved pumpkins and mine said "Just Married" and Cristy's was a skeptical face (irony not intended...pictures to come...)
- I voted absentee and Lani won't be happy ;)
In closing, we would like to apologize to everyone for not keeping up with our blog--work has really been rough for us both, so much so that I didn't go in to work on Thursday and didn't have to take an PTO. This week should be much nicer :D Unfortunately, our pictures are also reflective of our lack of free time together...sorry!
FHE two weeks ago! Sewing! Yeah. I'm too embarrassed to show you the close-up :(

Ah, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Nathaniel..... :-P
so which is more awkward, the horse or the lion?
I have a suggestion peeps :)
Maybe you could each type in your own color? That would help slow people such as myself ^_^
I need a long conversation with my daughter to fill me in on this job stuff - otherwise - busy is good - and the pictures you find are great!!!
The Mad Bomber Hat is fine. Your eating techniques need some work. Rip in the backside needs some more work. Lion riding a horse...doesn't it look like the lion is whispering something in the horse's ear?
This is Tyson and Stacey, George and Mandy's peps :) so Mandy tells me you guys live in alexandria... such a small world cause we're moving there in Dec for 4 months... so by default you guys are our new hook-up cause we'll be SO LOST!
So to not make this the world's longest comment... HELP! will you fill us in on the ins and outs of alexandria?!?
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