Good afternoon everyone. After a rather relaxing, albeit hot day at work, I've decided that I am definitely frustrated with the blogger tool. You see, I get rather excited to read everyone else's blog, but when it comes time to write my own I suddenly realize how inept I must be that I can't figure out any fancy backgrounds or add very many cool gadgets like all the Moms have. I say Moms because I know it's not the Dads--we men really aren't that spiffy when it comes to the blogging business. In fact, the most advanced I can get is adding pictures.
Sad, really.
So here is my blogging request: SOMEONE HELP! Tell me a good time to call and help walk me from this quagmire of self-ineptitude that I have been living in and guide me to the pearly palace of peaceful posting. Ah...the shame!
For your enjoyment...

A new catfish discovered near the Amazon that actually can live outside of the water and crawl around on rocks and stuff. Look at its little legs! Wowza! Next thing you know its going to start communicating with us like that freaky dolphin on Flipper. Think about it ;)
I love the state jokes, they're funny because they are sooo true! Sorry no help on the blogging, I'm right there with you. Only 10 months until Thanksgiving! The count-down is on :)
ok, that fish is a little creepy, but i don't know why. and sorry, i beleive that Scott is the best chance for your blogging needs. i am probably worse of than you are on that subject.
Yes, I humbly state that I rock the socks off of everyone else.
Truly, I'm your best bet xD
You know my email (I think) so we can IM, or call me whenever you want, my cell is with me and I'm not too busy. Or, just send me an email with what you want done, and then go into Settings > Permissions > Add authors > [Invite my gmail account] and > Grant Admin privileges and I will get it done. :)
Hey, I just think its great that you do the blog at all! Da does not know much about our blog, I think he has maybe done about 3 posts total(that is generous too) I am not that good, but I could help with a few basics. Give me a call anytime, hey by the way, very good impression of Obama! Very funny, we laughed
I think you do fabulously! I think I have a fairly good grasp of how to change backgrounds, add gadgets, musics, and that sort of thing. So if you ever want to give me a call, my office is open Monday - Sunday, 9AM - 10PM, PACIFIC TIME. I'd be happy to help!
I love your sense of humor - but Idaho gave more than potatoes- a few of your brothers and sister :) You may read our blogs but you don't leave comments - you could start with that - I vote for Mandy to help cause she helps me.
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