02.16: Cristy went to the Doctor's today (Physical Therapist) and got one of the nerves in her back unlocked so she no longer has back pain. Apparently it's been that way since Christmas. Now we can start running again! When I reminded her whose idea it was for her to go to the doctor she said, "Well, technically, we were both right because we're bound together as one in the Temple." Menfolk--don't be fooled by this clever twist of logic. Thanks Satan--I mean Cristy.
I spent President's Day doing chores at home and running some errands (also, I ate Valentines Day candy). I also multi-tasked and watched quite a few Dirty Job episodes. Grossest of all Time: Animal Rendering. Most Dangerous: Alligator Ranching. Per Mythbusters, you cannot catch a bullet with your teeth. Who knew?
02.17: Have you ever walked into a store and been asked if you work there or not? Well it happens to Nathaniel ALL THE TIME. TWICE today alone, within minutes of each other. My record at Circuit City is three times (all time, not in a day). I mean...sheesh! They even have red aprons! I saw this one guy creeping up on me as if to ask me, but he just gave me the stare-down and decided not to ask. Good thing for him--I was considering going Hulk Hogan on him in the PC Components lane.
Does anyone watch The Biggest Loser? Cristy and I love it and watch every Tuesday night. Can't wait for next week!
02.18: I would like to think I am a Blue Dog (Fiscally Conservative) Democrat. I try anyway--sometimes it's hard to vote that way because I am also a very social liberal. So here I am at work, after just having hacked into my officemates computer because both he and my supervisor are MIA in a building where I am a visitor and where I have no personal computer access. I literally have nothing to do, so for about half an hour I ate potato chips and stared at a blue logon screen. Then I went to a meeting that I didn't know the title for and didn't have any agenda notes about. For an hour. Now it's Noon and I still don't know why I am in this building. The best part? Potentially, because I share a desk with an important printer, I might not have a desk a few days out of every few months. Think about that...no desk. "Hey Nathaniel, what are you up to today?" "Oh nothing, just eating some more potato chips."
Cristy is still waiting for her job offer (should come Thursday) and is hoping the Physical Therapist will give her permission to exercise. I'll let her give you the details on the offer, but since Darren asked, the difference between her salary and mine will be about $9,000. Yeah. How about that BYU education. Family Home Evening was great--our activity (due to lack of time it will be completed tomorrow) will be "Read Your Favorite Book." Yay for literature!
02.23: The weekend was busy! The pictures will have to tell the story! (Also, we saw my Mom, completed some Home and Visiting Teaching, and played basketball. Nathaniel almost got into a fight with a young stud who shoved an old man playing church ball Saturday. Not pictured.)
Ever wonder why I am always taking pictures of Cristy's food but not my own? Well wonder no more: please see above grilled cheese and tomato soup for clarification.
Hi Cristy & Nathaniel,
Hey Nathaniel, there's nothing wrong with soup and grilled cheese, maybe chunky chicken noodle would be better though. I liked the mugs, that looks really fun. Alex has been painting too - check it out on our blog. Love ya!
Nice paint job to all!! Now I know Cristy got the final offer for her job - way to go and I think the physical therapist forgot to tell you N that nightly back rubs are required for a complete recovery of a back injury.:) I don't watch Biggest loser - too depressing - I'm not (losing that is) Have you ever watched 24?
HaHa - Brian got a girl friend! He cracked us up for a few hours after your reception with his tales of match.com and Eharmony. Good times
thanks for answering my question :) most of the time when you ask one on a comment it never gets answered. so you rock!!!
thanks for answering my question :) most of the time when you ask one on a comment it never gets answered. so you rock!!!
ok, no idea why my comment ended up there twice but whatever. but this comment is to say way to go to scott!!! the new blogg looks amazing.
Thanks, I'm not even half-way through Nathan's to-do list for me, but the header is amazing now :P
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