So what have you bee doing Nathaniel? Surely something of note? Well not really. You see, a few weeks ago, the same day I was helping someone move, a group of us had some free time and decided to play an improvised game of tennis (long store actually). Well I ended up pinching MY sciatic nerve that day, though symptoms didn't show up until a few days later.
So, long story short, we have been one big hobbley mess. I am fairly close to full recovery but because Cristy just switched jobs she is between Insurances and can't go to the Physical Therapist again yet :(
On a happier note, our Easter was amazing! We really enjoyed our Easter program at Church and had a wonderful diner with my Mom, my Moms friend, Step mom, Dad, and sister. Not many fun pictures, unfortunately, but lots of good candy :) I went on an Easter egg hunt in the apartment and found lots of Cadberry eggs! Yum! Cristy woke up to chocolate covered strawberries, oranges, and bananas (I don't recommend the bananas...but the oranges are a must!)
Here are our relatively few pics!
A flowering tree that has just started to bud leaves. The Washington D.C. Vacationers missed these by ONE week!!!

Google "Food Art" and you will find quite a few of Artists who are tired with their day jobs.
I thought this was funny.
Ugh. I get HORRIBLE sciatica with every pregnancy- the result of an old back injury. It's terrible pain!!!! I've actually had days where I couldn't get out of bed or walk... I hope you both feel much better soon!!! :)
I TOTALLY missed this post! Good thing you clarified, or I might never have found it. I'm sad we missed the cherry blossoms. George will always think Virginia is ugly now - I'm glad I have seen it in all its glory. Hope you guys get to feeling better soon. I hope our kids climbing all over Cristy for ten days without pause didn't make it worse!!
We all enjoyed the Storm Trooper joke. Especially Georgey :)
Personally I think that sciatica can be relieved faster by a chiropractor - pinched nerve it is - that is all on that - I also try ice on a bad back - ice for 20 minutes then lye on your stomach and lift your legs as far as you can and hold for 10 seconds - sounds weird but it works - take it from a person who suffers from back pain - feel better guys - love you lots :)
Sorry you both are currently cripples!Loved the post though. By the way, I always feel physical therapy is better than chiropracter
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