05.04: Well today is my 26th birthday. Birthday day! The first thing Cristy did was wake-up randomly in the morning and wish me a happy birthday (5:50 AM). After work (which did not go over so well but we'll skip that part) Cristy made me sit down and watch basketball. She said I couldn't do anything but relax. Shortly thereafter my Moms and sister came over (my Dad as roughing it in Hawaii over business) and we all had homemade pizzas. Cristy made sure to make lots of pizzas so there will be leftovers for days. Yes! Afterwards, I opened presents: a cool camera tripod (the one that can wrap around tree branches), three books, a crank radio and first aid kit (for our emergency preparedness kit), some candy, and a giftcard for Cheesecake Factory (I think some of you remember the desserts there...ummmmmm...)
Blowing out the candles.
Cristy's homemade dessert was a GIANT cookie with red icing ;)
05.06: Family Home Evening--Photoshoot! Oh how Cristy and I love photoshoots. And with our tripod, we can take photos with less camera shake and with both of us in them! Yay!
Cristy putting on the glamorous smile.
05.09: Cristy did a really amazing job keeping me surprised throughout the day (I have been trying all week to figure out what the plans were. Cristy is a good secret-keeper!) Cristy allowed me to run a few errands in the morning, but required me to be home by 1 PM. Once home, we left in the car to an undisclosed location. Cristy told me to bring the GPS--I figured out halfway through that the address we input was bogus. Tricky! I had no idea where we were going, so when we arrived at the RecCenter I was very surprised! Although I have no pictures, we played croquet (twelve people takes a long time!) then volleyball. Volleyball was pretty fun because "our team" played some other people in the park that belonged to an actual league and we crushed them. I felt kind of bad, but not really.
05.10: Mother's Day was really fun. We went to early church (8 AM) and left a bit early to go to Cristy work. Cristy organized a special Mother's Day Lunch for all of the old ladies. Cristy's idea is that we (and a few others) could serve them and make them feel a little special. Not all of them have visitors, so she though this would be a nice change of pace. Despite a few snags, everything went pretty well. Cristy introduced me to her boss and I think I made a pretty good impression. An older woman who was very talkative (and loud) told me that I looked like President Obama (I guess because I as wearing a suit?) The same lady also told Cristy that if I lot my job that I should go and work with Cristy at the long-term care home. Hmmm...
Later, Cristy and I met my Parents and ventured out for a nice hike at Great Falls National Park (Moms request). Unfortunately, thousands of other people had the same idea, so instead we hiked around a local lake and got the same effect: motherly happiness!