Well hello family. What a busy week we had (last week)!
Tuesday, Bulls vs. Celtics, Game 5: That's all I did all day. Watch this game. I don't know what Cristy did...sorry ;)
Wednesday, FHE: We planned a gaming night at our home with our neighbors and some friends from church, but almost every cancelled at the last minute! We tried to fill the house with last minute (literally) phone calls, but in the end we only had one apartmantmate come over :( Fortunately, that neighbor needed to talk to someone and we spent a few hours getting to know each other better. We also found out that Henry would soon need some furniture as his girlfriend was moving out of the house and was going to take all of his stuff (she already took the car.) We offered to take him to Habitat for Humanity that Saturday and he thought that would be a good idea (24 year-old bachelors don't think about furniture all the time I guess?)
Thursday: I have been talking with this guy in our housing community who runs the flag football team. He originally told me that the team was "stacked" at every position and I probably wouldn't be able to play until next season. Well Thursday was the day to try-out and I was a little nervous, not having run a lot or thrown the football around. Cristy and I played catch for five minutes and then I was off.
It went great! The QB likes to throw to me so I will likely play Wide Receiver immediately. I am pretty excited because since leaving my last company (in January) I haven't been able to play any. That was kind of nice to feel needed by a team.
Friday: Cristy and I got off work early and went to the Washington D.C. Temple to do Baptisms. We had a lot of family file names (13 male and 12 female) and had a lot of fun. Earl E. Tingey (previously of the 70) is our Temple President and he came down and gave us (the group) an encouraging speech.
We hurried home and Cristy, who had been awake since 4 AM, went to bed while I grabbed the Nintendo 64 and enjoyed some time with a few friends in the area. (Nothing beats MarioKart 64.)
Saturday: After helping Henry pick up a table at Habitat (seven dollars!!!), we quickly left town forThat was our week! Enjoy the pics:

Cristy stopping to smell the Hydrangea :) This is actually National Cathedral High School, which shares the grounds with the Cathedral.
Looking up...
The archway to a side entrance...
The front of the building with young performers...kind of gives you some perspective doesn't it?
The entire building has SO much detail...it was hard for me to stop taking pictures because I just wanted to capture everything!
One of the many placks adorning the Cathedral walls...
A rather old statue of the Virgin Mary.
Most chairs in this simple room are dedicated to donors.
A simple room...and yet HUGE supporting columns.
A beautiful mosaic.
In the main hall of the Cathedral (man I should NOT have slept through Art History) there are probably three dozen stained-glass windows in alcoves. This was a particularly bright one.
One of the many small chapels that shoot off of the main hall. I do not recall the name of this one but it is connected to the Children's Chapel, which was everything kid-sized.
I loved all those pictures. That's something I always want to do, is tour wonderful old buildings. I know they must have some incredible nooks and crannies. (Wow I don't think I ever had the need to wonder how to spell nooks and crannies!) Well, I hope I never see a glow in the dark caterpillar. And...way to get right to the point in the headline. Don't try to be sneaky with any big news like Grant & Liz. Love you guys.
Game six was way better! That was Heavenly Father's blessing to me...because nikki was back home and I was able to see my first full game in 'I have no idea' and my first really good game in 'I have no freaking idea'...
Love you all,
i personaly think that mario smash brothers beats mario cart on 64. you have to try it :)
By the way...don't forget to pick up your birthday card Nathaniel :}
Thanks Janelle and family!
That squirrel is a survivor - Great pics!
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