Our Ward had its annual Trunk or Treat the evening before Halloween this year. Families bring stews, soups, or chilies and and we all dine well that evening. This was our table (the candy corn was gone before the night ended.)
The first counselor in our Ward won the informal costume competition. He's around 6'6 and, well, typically a little less round than this. The sandals made the costume (and it was a hair see-through).
These guys dressed up as LDS Missionaries--pretty impressive. Then I realized that they were our missionaries for the Ward and I felt less impressed.
The Spoomers told me if I was older I would understand their costume. Any takers on that?
Halfway through the night I realized that our friends the Bees dressed up as Bees. How clever!
And the Taylors, who will be moving to the same neighborhood as us in January (hopefully!), dressed as Sting and a Princess (because the female wrestlers costume was just too revealing). Not that Stings' tights weren't too revealing...
Cristy's visiting teachee Janelle and her daughter
The Salters (we will live one building over from them soon). Best Family Costume! Try not to read too much into the subtext here ;) Let's just say they are brother and sister in the Gospel and leave it at that :)
Cristy and I last participated in this a donut eating contest before we were even dating. Though she got the upper hand in that contest (despite my attempts to block her out with my booty)...
...Nathaniel would go to any extreme to win this one (to include giving her donut an extra little spin with his forehead).
Now Nathaniel thought he had a pretty good Alaskan Crab Fisher costume, but others thought he looked a little more like a.) a garbage man, b.) a construction workers, c.) a snowboarder, d.) a prisoner, and my personal favorite, e.) a sanitation worker. Cristy had far less problems being recognized as a football fan.
The following night (Halloween Saturday) we attended an adult birthday get-together. Nathaniel discovered that the local black widow (she is pregnant) has arms enough for plenty of men. Her husband, left, is bald and dressed as a man with hair.
The Taylors again, with Sting going a little more risque with the beater and his wife going as a state champion gymnast, which she was in Utah.
Also, don't forget this important message about Emo kids. Tell your kids and your kids weirdo friends.

Next year you have to come up with a great idea for the "Family" Since you will have a little one to dress up. Looks like you had fun!
Next year you have to come up with a great idea for the "Family" Since you will have a little one to dress up. Looks like you had fun!
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