So the blizzard of 2010 kind of delayed our "blog rampage," but now that Nathaniel is back at work and has lunch breaks, we should be looking at at least one every other day (until you start seeing snow in the blogs, then we're back on track).
Cristy and Nathaniel were the first from Grant's side of the family to visit little Hallie. She was a little over a week old when we arrived 20 November 2009.
Hallie got a cute little dress for Christmas (which I'm sure she no longer fits in :)
Cristy's smile says "I'm an aunt!" and Hallie's says "who is this new person?"
Nathaniel struggled to keep Hallie's little head upright...
...and Hallie struggled to figure out what Nathaniel's purpose in her life was.
Cristy (ever so punctual) makes Liz a boppy for Christmas.
Go Cougars!
Cristy still needed to "test" the boppy with Hallie, just to make sure it worked properly.
When I see photos like this, I think babies wonder where they are and what they are doing.
OK so the lighting was off, but at least Grant stopped giving people bunny ears!
As soon as the visit ended Sunday morning :( the Moreiras traveled home and continued packing up their first apartment. Their move was only six days away! (Please notice the supplies in the background).
Cristy tried ever so desperately to look pregnant. She claims she is getting "fatter."
Nathaniel tries out some new furniture in the new apartment. He wanted to ensure that the shelves could hold a large amount of weight for a sustainable amount of time, so he rolled his fatness onto the lowest shelf, Unfortunuatly, Cristy was too fast with the camera.
The Blizzard of 2009 came on a Saturday (19 December) and blindsided the state. Little did we know the Blizzard of 2010 was right around the corner!

More ultrasound pics of the boy, Troy, who we did not name until a little later.

Next up: The view of DC from Nathaniel's work and a few pictures of Christmas morning.
Such a great blog. Thanks for sharing your visit with little Hallie. I saw the BYU onesie we gave her and I was so happy she liked it. I'll be watching for the new posts.
Great pics of Hallie - You have a good eye - Thanks for sharing!!
Cristy looks not prego at all! I am like 3 months behind her and I look like I am 6 months pregnant! Someone asked me recently if I was expecting twins!!!!! Nice post
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