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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
FHE: Prego Photo Shoot
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
FINALLY we're caught up!
(But probably not. Maybe Troy will provide inspiration?)
March 29th - April 2nd Nathaniel got to attend a really neat work conference in Orlando, Florida. The focus was Information Security in the Information Technology industry, which is what he is studying right now for his Masters degree. Following are just a few of his Disney World pictures (where his hotel was).
If you make it to the end fo the blog you get to see a surprise!
The Dolphin Resort, where he stayed.
The famous Cirque du Soleil in "Downtown" Disney (which is not part of the theme park).
I don't know what this is but it was really big.
Still in Downtown Disney, Nathaniel scoped out some toy cars for Troy. Next year, if he gets to attend the conference again, he will bring Cristy and Troy and have a blast!
Just for Cristy :) These magnets even felt spongey, but Nathaniel didn't buy one because it was over $10
Hahaha. I couldn't resist.
Because Nathaniel was all alone, he couldn't stop thinking about family and was reminded of them constantly. Mandy came to mind here with all the dinosaur bone replicas.
And then, of course, a lego statue that reminded me of Scott :)
That's a lot of legos...
Nathaniel don't know why but this one reminded him of Tommy...maybe because he was already thinking about family?
God. He's everywhere.
Yay for the Disney Castle in Magic Kingdom. Unfortunuately, this was as close as Nathaniel got to Magic Kingdom.
The monorail. You can ride if for free ALL DAY LONG.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Blog Rampage 10 (for real)
The bunt cake didn't turn out perfect (maybe more like two pieces) but it was yummy in the belly and the chocolate sauce was great.
Even though she is barely at 27 weeks, Tim still looks fatter. Sorry Tim. (Way to take one for the Team).
I lied. In the last blog you saw pictures of me about to shovel for the early snowstorm of 2009. But the Blizzard didn't come until February 9ish.
The governor declared a state of emergency...cars were literally abandoned...
...and people started walking places to get food.
The plows went for three days straight...
...and our branches broke everywhere, putting our power lines and damaging cars. Crazy! Two feet in a day in Northern Virginia.
Tomorrow we will finally be caught up, just in time for "Primetime" (also known by his given name, Troy) to be born :)