Monday February 1, Nathaniel and Cristy had their good friend Tom Goode came over for our dinner with a friend FHE. We talked about financial planning and old times.

The bunt cake didn't turn out perfect (maybe more like two pieces) but it was yummy in the belly and the chocolate sauce was great.

Even though she is barely at 27 weeks, Tim still looks fatter. Sorry Tim. (Way to take one for the Team).

I lied. In the last blog you saw pictures of me about to shovel for the early snowstorm of 2009. But the Blizzard didn't come until February 9ish.

The governor declared a state of were literally abandoned...

...and people started walking places to get food.

The plows went for three days straight...

...and our branches broke everywhere, putting our power lines and damaging cars. Crazy! Two feet in a day in Northern Virginia.

A few days before, the Millers hosted a Superbowl party with lots of tasty food. I am surprised all of our hearts still work today.

The womenfolk didn't want to watch the game. Maybe it was the facial expressions?

Yay for a healthy Troy!

I finally decided to get rid of my trusted college mattress, known at VMI favorably as your "hay" (because they used to be made of hay). Mine had been stabbed with bayonets, thrown out a four story window (maliciously once and by accident another time, but different windows both) and sprayed with lysol on a few occasions to kill mildew growth (but not recently). Oh you will be missed Mr. Hay :(

Easter Day we had a picnic with some friends. All the women are pregnant (except the one with a newborn). The Taylors made these weird faces all by themselves (we didn't ask them to).

The Millers with baby Harrison.

Harrison, who takes after his mother (right, RIGHT???)

The Clemens (Alexis just had her baby last week a day before she was supposed to be induced!)

And the happy Moreiras.

Idaho Campbells: please note the use of the blanket you bought for us from Mexico :)

Bocci Ball. Winners: the Taylors. Blast the Taylors!!!
Tomorrow we will finally be caught up, just in time for "Primetime" (also known by his given name, Troy) to be born :)
Tim is not fatter - Cristy is not fat either - she is "with child" get with the program :) Your snow is nothing compared to Idaho snow of '06, '07 & '08 - plows went for two weeks straight - Nice catch up job!!
Aww baby Troy (aka "the bump") is so cute! Glad you are caught up- now you can't do anything else blogworthy until Troy gets here, or you'll risk getting behind again and WE WILL NOT WAIT FOR PICTURES OF "PRIME TIME"!!! So excited for you guys!
P.S. this is our favorite post ever because in the background of one of your pics, we saw the calendar (you know, the ones we slaved over, but everyone not so secretly hated) So glad someone in this family has good taste, and our work was appreciated ;)
Cristy is a very cute prego lady!!! And about what Liz said in her comment, da and I liked the calander thing. If they got us for christmas, I would love to have that!
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