Hi Great-Great-Grandma Seaton!

Troy is her first great-great-grandchild. Way to produce one one for the team Cristy and Nathaniel.
What amazing toe dexterity you have Troy.

Carly tried using a film camera over the weekend. Lightning is different, but she enjoyed herself.

Troy slept in a drawer over the weekend. A heavily padded drawer, but a drawer nonetheless.

Being that we were in the town of Troy, and that the University of Troy was so close, you can imagine that there were quite a few "Troy" and Troy Trojans" items available for purchase. Troy was so proud of his Jersey.

With Great-Grandma Wright.

Troy with Grandma and Great Aunt Sara.

(From left to right): Great-Grandpa Wright, Cristy, Nathaniel, Grandma, Carly, Troy, and Great-Great Grandma Seaton.

They were both pretty happy to hang out together.

Great Grandma has a pretty intense collection of pictures adorning her walls. Maybe about 100. Here is Nathanil and Carly's section (badly outdated).
This is kind of like a memorial for Nathaniel's Great Grandpa Seaton.
They are country road people.
This is Aunt Sarah's lake, and the house across the way is Great Grandma Seaton's house. They live across the street from each other.
Nathaniel used to gather eggs from this barn, but these days it is just used to house farm equipment.
Farm equipment like this.
Lastly we wanted to visit the University of Troy. Go Trojans!
So fun! That's great that he got some "Troy" gear. I would have been all over that too. Love the pics!
P.S. That movie is Aladdin, but actually it's "prince" Ali, not king (Georgey has that song on his Grooveshark playlist :), and Troy does look just like him with that hat/shirt :)
i am with mandy, it is prince Ali. But don't you miss being able to fit in a drawer :)
Prince Ali - fitting in a drawer - it is the toe dexterity that wins - from Cristy's family this comes from :)
In an effort to come up with ideas to facilitate packing lightly, I had suggested Troy could sleep in an adequately outfitted laundry basket vs. taking one more thing on the plane.
I was absolutely SCOFFED AT! "A LAUNDRY BASKET"! Hah!
So where do they stick the poor kid, in a drawer, really people.
Absolutely thrilled you guys put forth the effort to introduce the 5th generation to the family Matriarch of that branch.
Aladdin! one of the greatest movies of all time. I love the pic of you and carley, but why do photographers make people pose so oddly for pictures?
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