We did manage to get a bunch of shots of the cool-looking cakes afterwards.

In case you didn't know, this cake is a Bontrager front wheel rim. It has a low spoke count and probably a carbon fiber hub. I imagine it to be the race light series. Good job wife!
The cupcakes also had bikes on them. Yesssssssssss....
And for those of you who fancy the tricycle, we had a few of those too :)

The week prior we went to Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Washington D.C. It was smaller than we expected but still action packed. And by action packed we mean not boring because we were really just observing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of wax statues.
This first one is former D.C. mayor Marion Barry.

Who knows!

Cristy and Troy and President Washington crossing the Potomac.

A close up of Thomas Jefferson's face. If you look to carefully, he will bite your face off.

The worst President ever, Andrew Jackson.

Cristy trying to warn Honest Abe of something...

Nathaniel saddened that Virginia's own Robert E. Lee couldn't have use sounder judgement.

Look Teddy -- lunch! Wait...is that a bald Eagle?

Presidents...you don't have to be very tall...

Troy and Nathaniel were checking down the line during WWII. One of them is doing better then the other...

Head of the CIA Hoover doesn't let anyone slip under his radar. Anyone.

Cristy has a dream also. But then she forgot it.

Malcolm X. He was too angry so we did not get any pictures with him.

Girls got class.


The most handsome boy in the world. And Hillary Clinton.

I'll show you hostage takeover! How do you like me NOW?

Troy says, "you guys...you guys...it's the President!"

Thank you Madame Tussaud for the wonderful wax museum.

Hey bud. I know your really rich and famous and a former professional wrestler and current movie star and everything...but you played football at the University of Miami...so take off that belt and show some self-respect!

Pretty woman...laying on the coach....pretty woman....

J-Lo -- your butt is bigger than your shoulders. Just thought you wanted to know.

Denzel Washington still looks mad that he didn't win Best Actor for his role in Hurricane. I'm sorry too bud.

The King of Pop lives on in Nathaniel. For real.

Ali does not look happy that he just got Rafiki punched in the jaw. Good job Cristy.

If only Tiger had not fired Nathaniel as his Caddy maybe his life would be a lot different right now. It's all downhill from here bud. (Get it...downhill?!?)

Oprah's secret last show.
Next Up: National Zoo
The skinny Oprah too!! So they didn't mind you laying Troy down on the displays? I wouldn't have bothered taking Hilary's picture - but that's me.
Looks like you guys had a great time! I love Oprah's last interview, he is getting so big!
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