Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lucas Seaton Moreira Delivery

The morning on June 5th Cristy left for the hospital in high hopes that she would still be able to have a vaginal birth. Either way, we were both happy that we would finally get to meet Baby Lucas. 
This is our last picture as a family of three. Cristy and Nathaniel were about to become real parents.

We left Troy in the care of Vanessa and Abuela, who graciously agreed to take him for the day (and later parts of the week as Cristy recovered) even though the day before he was sick. 
We arrived at the hospital a few minutes late (10:10 AM) but the nurses were generous and didn't make us return home empty-handed.

Unfortunately our doctor informed us that Cristy was far from being dilated enough for labor and that the baby would probably not come today on it's own, meaning the safest route for Lucas was to proceed with the scheduled C-section. 
Then we waited.

A lot.

And what happens when you give a Moreira a camera and to much time? PHOTO SHOOT!
Because Nathaniel has ever intention of being in the OR during the procedure he had to get scrubbed out in his super-fly, otherwise known as "scrubs."

The scrubs in Grey's Anatomy aren't legit, according to our RN. Regrettably, neither were the scrubs the nurses gave Nathaniel to wear. which, also regrettably, did not breathe well in pants and a sweatshirt. 
It' harder to scrub out in wanna-be scrubs than it looks (as reported by Nathaniel). 
The booties were the worse, and they were slick too! Cristy was given a few hospital bracelets to wear, one of which said "Fall Risk" and was hysterical because the anesthesia Cristy was given pretty much immobilized her such that she could move too good, let alone "fall" anywhere. But trust Nathaniel, if she had those booties on then she would be a fall risk for sure, paralyzed or not. 
One of the snarkier nurses ask Nathaniel if he had two kids with twins on the way, to which he replied he did not. Gotta love those RNs who know their Math and love to put a happy Dad down...
After everyone got scrubbed out, Nathaniel had to wait about 20 minutes for Cristy to get prepped in the OR. This involved painting Cristy's back blue and her frontside orange. For real.

Everything got underway after Nathaniel was invited inside and the surgery lasted about 15 minutes. Nathaniel got brave and peeked over the barrier -- big mistake. Surgeons are amazing people. 
Lucas was born at 12:35 PM. Cristy and Nathaniel agree that there is nothing in this world like the joy you experience hearing your baby cry for the first time. 
While Cristy was being stitched up, Lucas was being suctioned, prodded, stuffed, and  invaded, all for his benefit (so strange). He had great APGAR scores (8 and 9) and loved to be cuddled from the first moments of his birth. 
Cristy commented several times how tired she was during the surgery (especially near the end). She wasn't exaggerating and went to sleep as quickly as possible. 
Lucas loves his pacifier, but he was born multi-talented and can also put himself to sleep by sucking on his fingers. 
We are now a family of four! 


Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

Congratulations you guys! He's so dang adorable! I've loved seeing all your pics on FB too! The family pics your friend took of all 4 of you are so cute! I'm so glad this was a less eventful delivery than Troy! Hope things are still going great and he's letting you get a little sleep! Give him big snuggles for us!!

M & J Bowerbank said...

Congrats! How exciting for you guys. Hope all is well.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! We were just thinking about you guys and I was telling Jeff that he should give you a call. He is beautiful!

Grandma Sue said...

This grandma far away appreciates the photos - also thankful all is well.

Jeanine said...

He is amazing! Just another awesome Moriera! Congrats!

Campbells said...

Oh he is so precious! Can not wait to love on that baby!