Tuesday, 5/12: Troy came home from the hospital today.

Like most babies, he eats, sleeps, makes diapers, and cries when he needs to eat, sleep, or make diapers. Like most boys, he pees a lot. On Janelle. On Nathaniel. Once in his mouth and face in the hospital.
He is so strong already, He can already lift his head and arc his back, so much so that if you are sitting down in a chair and leaning back with his tummy on your chest, he can fall backwards if you don't grab him. His legs could break a finger if you don't watch while you change his diaper.
Troy's dad used to worry a lot about his respiratory system, but not anymore. His prior seeming weakness is now his greatest strength: his lungs. When he wants to tell you something, he does. He's not shy or passive-aggressive. He will go from calm to shrieking to calm in a minute. 0 to 60, just like his Dad (or at least that's what Mom says).
In the hospital his Daddy found he likes having his head rubbed to calm him down, and that he really likes to feed. He is still learning to control his face and appendages, but sometimes he gives Mommy a little smile, which is wonderful because he undoubtedly learned this skill from her.

Wednesday, 5/12: Troy and Mommy are doing well. Mommy is a trooper and a great Mom. She does so much with so little sleep and still stays happy.
Troy, Mommy, and Janelle went to the pediatrician today. Billy Ruben test was 1.9, so he has no problems with jaundice. He is a good at making diapers. He also pooped twice while diaperless on the table while they were taking his bum temperature. "Vengeance is MINE!" says Troy.
Otherwise, the day went smoothly. He cried a little less when we changed his diaper and is such a calm baby. We are organizing the house to fit his and our needs. He loves us and we love him!
First trip to a store (Target)
Trying to organize his clothes. Apparently, he is pretty little...for a big guy, that is...
First bath--and first moment of self-discovery?
All clean!
I'm not going to lie...this is his poop face. Whether he did it or not, Nathaniel doesn't know. But that's the face ;)
Thursday, 5/13: Troy has been able to lift his neck up since he was born. Today, while on tummy time, he lifted his head up and switched sides of his head. Like a professional baby. Wow.
Troy has also been suffering from hiccups. Daddy has read that this is normal and not to be worried. But sometimes his parents get sad because the hiccups distress him and he starts to whimper and cry :( Thursday there was several cry sessions :( BUT Daddy and Mommy did learn a few more tricks to keep baby content.
1.) Troy likes when Dad sings to him. Any song will do, even the "poop" song that Dad made up while everyone else was sleeping.
2.) Troy likes it when Mom talks to him while he is getting his diaper changed. He flails a lot less and kicks less passionately.
Cristy has continued to get better at an awesome rate. She can do everything but comfortably lift Troy from his bassinet, so he sleeps on a thin blanket in the living room at night sometimes.
Janelle has been just as helpful as Mandy. We appreciate them so much--life would be so much harder without their help this last week. From cooking to straightening to holding Troy and changing diapers, they have both been so helpful. Thanks so much!
We have visitors almost every day, and half of the time it is grandparents.
Snug as a bag, as Mama says.
Friday, May 14-Sunday, May 16: This weekend we are reminded of how much we love our family and how important it is to have support during this new time in our lives. From people wanting to come over and hold Troy (and distract him with a new(er) face) to Grant and Liz sending over that Equate gas solution liquid drop stuff (for his hiccups) to my parents bringing over dinner Saturday night, we are really grateful for everyone's help. It seemed like all we did all weekend was hold Troy while he cried from hiccup pain, change his diaper, or feed him.
And yet somehow, after all that, when we looked at his little sleepy face at night, its all worth it. Maybe it's seeing he has his Dad's big toe, one sleepy eye in the morning, and "perfect mouth" (whatever that means Mama), and Mom's sleeping posture (think "touchdown" when he's swaddled or a snow angel unswaddled) and facial expressions.

Whatever it is, we love him all the same.

Next Up: Troy's 2nd Week Home