Sunday, 23 May: Congrats to Nathaniel's sister Carly for getting her first payed job. BuyBuy Baby has not only just got themselves a hard worker, but also a new loyal customer base!
Monday, 24 May: Apparently, Troy needs to just "cry-it-out" sometimes. He's fine. He just needs to cry himself to sleep, and he DOESN'T need your help or tender care to do it.
After baths we wrap him up real good and put a beanie on him to keep him warm.
Obviously, it works to warm hi up!
Maybe his umbilical cord is hurting? It is pretty close to falling off, and when he cries you can see the flesh-inside part of it. Gross, but satisfying.
Mommy continues to sleep OK and do little projects around the house. Nathaniel always knew she would be a happy Mom at home. Soon the scrapbooking will start :) Yay for scrapbooking!
Thanks the Lord for DVR/Tivo. A little cry here and a little cry there cannot taper Nathaniel's need to watch the Celtics dominate the Magic.
Wednesday, 26 May: Troy kind of ruffed it today. He just wanted to cry for no reason. It was difficult for Mom and Dad.
Mom has started taking her own pictures at home! Mom has also decided she wants to start blogging, so look forward to that little bit of fun! How will we co-exist? Different font colors perhaps?
Hibernating bear.
Thursday, 27 May: Cristy went to the doctor today and they explained how the surgery went a few weeks ago. They also gave her a clean bill of health and said she is an excellent validate for a more traditional birth in the future. Yay for babies!
Friday, 28 May: Nathaniel went to hang out with some guy friends Friday night, and Cristy had a girl party at home, including nail painting, baby oggling, and other stuff which Nathaniel does not comprehend.
Sunday, 29 May: We had the Clemens over tonight, who just had little Elena a month before Troy was born. They had a good time hanging out, and so did we! It's good to swap baby stories and make sure your infant is hitting par (at least--we're shooting for Eagles but you never know!)
Pictures of Troy and Elena's first handhold next week!
So you are planning on them holding hands more often? At least we know he's a respectable guy from a fun and stand up family. But who knows, sometimes our girl is full of sass so we'll see how much luck Troy has!
I can't believe how much he looks like nathaniel!! He is so your son!
No fair I was going to say how much Troy looks like Nathaniel - he does - Love the updates - helps with the distance
He is so handsome! So glad everyone is recovering and adjusting well to life!
so basically christmas needs to hurry up so i can meet the little man
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