Nathaniel went back home to study for Finals night #2, so he was surprised to come back to the hospital and find out baby boy was doing so well (definitely ahead of schedule on coming off the air).
So early morning on Day 2 Cristy got to hold Troy for the first time as he finally came off oxygen (from 35% to 31% to 25% to 21%).
Cristy was so happy.

And so was Troy :)

Our son has a multitude of faces he likes to show...

Proud grandparents couldn't stay away and made return visits the following day.

Three generations of bearded men!

Those long eyelashes will make him a knockout once he turns 16 :*

More faces...this one demonstrating his Dad's sleepy eye he saw the night before

Who did he get Mr. Grumpy look from?!?
Next up: Day 3--Halfway home!
if that last picture was taken in the morning then i submit that the grumpy face comes from his mom's side of the family ;)
That was a great day. I wasn't there but I can see it was incredible. Now I'm starting to wonder if I came in on the tail end of Day Three or the very early part of Day Four. He sure is special! Love you guys. Nanna J
He is beautiful! I can't wait to see more pictures of him!
I am soooo happy these posts are up, we are loving all the pictures of this sweet boy! He is such a cutie!
Can't wait to give him a squeeze - keep the pictures coming
He's soo cute!
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