Sunday, March 23, 2008

So today is my (Nathaniel) first day of blogging--neither Cristy nor myself have ever had a blog before, but she has at least been posting on blogs for...wait...she just informed me she only has two weeks experience. Oh well. So we're not the brightest crayons in the blog box yet (or as my Mom would say, "not she sharepest tacs on the board") but at least we're out there now. Out there like the morbidly obese guy going on an early Monday run and you just can't help but stare but you do anyway. That's the blogosphere.

So what's our big news?!? No worries Mom and Dad!!! We're just talking about taxes. While Cristy managed to get a refund of $1300 (plus the $600 from the stimulus package) I managed to owe the government $1000. Mind you, for the 2007 tax year, I only made (no more than) $2000 more than she did, and at one point I actually made less than she did. So...yeah...I think that's worth blogging about, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am excited to have yet another blog to check out each day or so. You guys look great! Can't wait to see you in real keep us posted on when you're coming our way.
Love Ya!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, since you never return our phone calls, maybe I can at least have the illusion that I know what is going on in your life. Just kidding.

I love blogs, thanks for getting started. We'll see if you stick with it, because it can be a lot of work.

Love ya both,
