Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blog Rampage 1

We live! For everyone who didn't already know, Cristy and Nathaniel have been pretty busy lately (who hasn't ;)

Mainly, Nathaniel has been more busy. He started Graduate School shortly after returning home from our January vacation, and he has been studying every day for at least an hour (sometimes eight!) a night, in addition to six hours of class a week, plus travel. Now that he has a better grasp on his schedule, he can devote a smidge more time to computer stuff, like blogging.

We have a TON of picture to catch up on--in fact, over two hundred, and the pictures date all the way back to November 2009. Seriously.

OK, enough time on that. Once again, the pictures won't we edited, and I am going to write as little as possible in order to get all of them out as quickly as possible. Good luck! Happy reading!

On 5 November myself and two friends went backcountry camping in the Shenandoah Mountains. Here's Drew--this is his happy face.
And Nate. They went to school together, lived together, got the same degree, took the same classes, married good friends, moved out here together, and work in the same building. Now they can walk to each others houses. Seriously.
We didn't want to get eaten by bears so we hung up our food at night.
The next day hiking we took a side detour and went bouldering for an hour or so. I was pretty whipped.
It was steep and Nate fell pretty hard.
But Drew stayed on his feet with some slide action.

Not worth it.
While hiking we decided to compete in a Triathlon as our next adventure.
There are no bathrooms up here, and little privacy in the woods ;)
The hike was tough because we went down for several hours, then up for 6 miles. We took a few breaks.
And ate lunch at the Summit! Yay!
Nate's borrowed backpack was literally bigger than his torso.
My sister had her birthday the next day. Happy 19th!

Cristy had roaring 20's dress-up day at work. What a flapper. Where's the wine cover girl?

Next up: The Moreiras visit the Ohio Campbells at meet their new addition!

1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

Almost as pretty as Idaho - last picture the best :)