Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hospital Day 1: Troy and Mama Recover

After checking on Troy, Mandy and Nathaniel went back upstairs to wait on Cristy. It took longer than expected for her to be released from surgery, but that is probably because they needed to stitch her up and take her off the anesthesia, etc. It was easier for us to wait for her than to wait for Troy because we already knew at this point that both were OK.

Easier, but not as fun of a moment as we had hoped. While Cristy woke up she shivered a lot (hormones switching from being pregnant to not pregnant) and, though awake, couldn't do very much but answer basic questions from the nurse (though with surprising detail).

After awhile we were moved to our post partum room. Our timeline gets a little fuzzy around this point!
Cristy was much more awake and cognitive, though she claims she remembers nothing until she woke up the net morning :)

While things were getting worked out upstairs, Mandy and Nathaniel decided that they would split up and one would spend time with each family member. Nathaniel chose Troy and Mandy chose Cristy.
Troy looked a little better than the first time Nathaniel saw him. He was ever so slightly more calm, and trying to figure out this new plastic world.

Troy needed to be in the plastic dome because it supplied him with 35% oxygen (as opposed to the 21% we breathe). He didn't seem to mind the air, but he sure did hate that dome. (Apparently, all the big babies hate it because it squishes up their little necks.)

Nathaniel was very happy to be able to help soothe Troy during this traumatic time.
Apparently they don't cut cords small here. Mama thinks they will use it for core blood cell research for other kids.
Soon Troy found himself with an IV in the arm, suction in his tummy, and a respitory rate monitor on his toe (among other monitors). Add the oxygen dome with warm air and Troy was all a mess. He was sweating, miserable, and without anyone to really give him a good squeeze.
After the post-partum room nonsense calmed down (we were switched from a munchkin room to am adult-sized room) Mama got a chance to come downstairs and see her boy for the first time.
This first family picture is precious. Mama looks a little tired and stoned and that could be anyone's baby we are posing by, but we'll take it. Everyone is happy on the inside :)
Soon we all went to bed. Mandy drove our car home and Nathaniel slept with Cristy at the hospital (long story short). It was 7 AM and the sun had already come out.
At 10 AM Nathaniel woke up to give grandparents directions to the Hospital. By 11 AM Grams had showed up (is this the correct spelling of Nathaniel's mother's "grandmother" nickname?)
Nathaniel escorted each grandparents downstairs, one at a time.
Troy eventually switched to tummy time because he would cry a bit less that way. The tube in his throat rubbed the wrong way on his oxygen dome and he didn't like that too much.
But no matter how he laid down, he was always sweaty :(

Bacl upstairs, Mama was entertaining parents and biding her time until she could get back downstairs in a wheelchair and see her little one. First, she had to be able to get into the wheel chair.

Inbetween taking grandparents downstairs and resting with Cristy, the oxygen dome came off! Unfortunuatly, Troy was still on oxygen (they closed the machine he was sleeping in at the time (a "giraffe")) but it was good to see progress!

And Mama even got well enough to come down and sneak a visit!
This is Cristy's proud Mama face. It is a face uniquely given to Troy, her little boy.

Next up (and hopefully quicker now that things have settled a bit): Hospital Day 3 -- Troy with Grandparents, and Mama Gets to Hold Troy


therichardsfam said...

Christy, I am just so emotional reading your labor and delivery story and seeing your beautiful baby boy. Congratulations!!! I hope that you get to feeling well soon and are able to enjoy yourself with your sweet family. I am so thrilled that things seem to be going better for you.

Janelle said...

Wow, even more of the stuff I missed. Your pictures made all the stories come to life. Thanks...keep em coming. By the way are you planning on documenting every day of Troy's life. I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy that but...just wondering.
Love, Nanna J

Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

So glad that everything turned out fine--I know this was not what you were expecting and I'm sure super-scary at the time! I'm so glad Mans could be there to help too--I'm sure you guys could have of course handled all this on your own, but what a blessing that she could be there too for emotional support! Troy is adorable--great job with all these pictures Mans/Nathaniel!!!

Just FYI: the umbilical cord is long for Troy because he was an emergency C-Section--if a Mom gets general anesthesia (which often happens in those situations) the baby can be really stunned just from that, but something is not going perfectly for the emergency C-section to have to happen, so we intentionally leave the umbilical cord long when we clamp it, that way if he needs IV access or arterial access we can put lines in the umbilical vessels. (just preparing for worst case scenario since we know these babies are at risk to be sicker) It's a good sign that Troy was not that sick because he didn't get those lines!

Sounds like Cristy was a trooper through all of this! Tough as always! Enjoy your cute little guy--he's so cute with all that hair!!