Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random May-June 2011 Pics

Haircuts, Funny Faces, the Zoo, and Troy's First Carousel!

Troy says, "You touch me again with those scissors and I will cut you down like the super soaker 2000 back in the day."

"Troy says, "Problem Child III, starring ME!"

Nathaniel says [in reference to family pictures], "Brady, is this what you meant by "Cool Dad"? Ohhhhhh...I was doing it wrong. I got it now."

Troy says, "Maybe if I look away for long enough people will think we're not related."

The National Zoo in D.C. has all kinds of cool stuff, including female lion cubs. They, too, bicker among themselves.

In the spirit of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (August 5th) comes "I'm a Lion and I'm just Chillin' on this Tree"

This Tiger reminds me of Samuel L. Jackson -- he always looks like like one bad dude.

The baby ape was awesome.

Momma says, "If there wasn't a 15 ft. wall here we'd be gone."

True Story: Elephants are awesome. They use their trunks for all kinds of cool stuff, like shoveling dirt and throwing food in their mouth. Wouldn't that be cool if I threw cheetos in my mouth from 5 feet away?

Pandas. They're big.

I'm not sure if you can tell, but Troy is holding on for dear life and his hands turned white. Happy Birthday Bud!

You're a man now.

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1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

Troy touched a dog today - can't really call it a pet. He was totally into the barking!! Thanks so much for sharing him with me this week. Wish you were here