Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 2012: The Fall of Mr. Tall

Aside from a terrific Valentines Day, February has been a slower month for the Moreiras (read: we did plenty of things with family and friends but nothing pictureworthy). To continue our tradition of forgetting everything we do that does not include a picture or video, please see the following cute pictures of Troy experiencing life on the wild side [for Troy].

Troy can mostly be found with his "diggers," specifically his green shovel. He will only put it down for brushing his teeth, washing his hands, and eating meals (sometimes). And to make life more interesting, that boy loves him some dirt.

Good thing we have dirt.

Sadly, after an unfortunate overwatering incident, Mr. Tall -- Nathaniel's oldest house plant -- met his Maker. After a last ditch attempt to save Mr. Tall, it was determined that root rot was the culprit, and the diagnosis was terminal. A few clippings have been saved from his remains in an attempt to save his posterity, but the outlook looks very grim. The good news?

Troy got to play with the house.

One of Troy;s favorite games for February is called "Hide." Usually Mama will say "hide" and throw some pillow under Troy. He can contain himself for up to four seconds, and then he has to check to see if you've found him yet. After picking up on this game, Troy can now "hide" himself.

Unbeknownst to Troy, putting your hand over your eyes does not constitute hiding. Everyone else can still see him, but he hasn't figured that out yet :) The blinds, small pillows, and in the armpit of those he is attempting to hide from are also some of his favorite hiding spots.

One of his first attempts at coloring went pretty well. He kept his artistry reserved mostly for the white paper medium, although, in his defense, the kitchen tile is also white.

After Troy wins the Tour de France in 25 years, international newspapers will post this picture all over their headlines. Remember: he learned it all from his Dad.

Cristy got to visit one of our old neighbors recently, and had a lot of fun meeting the Zollinger's new addition: Zachery. After some early stays in the hospital, we were happy to learn he is health and doing very well! Sadly, after Julianne and Nate learned that we knew where they lived, they decided it would be best to move to Colorado. Good luck! You can't hide forever!!!

Mr. Tall, 2005 - 2012
"I planted, Apollos watered,
but God was making it grow
and gave the increase.
~1 Corinthians 3:6

Next Up [and by popular demand]: The Manthroom

1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

I know how you feel - when Fred died I too was sad that I was the cause of his demise. Morn and move on I always say.