Monday, September 8, 2008

"The Man"

So.... Apparently we are going for some sort of record; And the month is young so we just might make it.

I definitely got us started. Virginia likes to earn money through State and County car registration. But it is different form county to county. So, when Nathaniel and I moved I needed to purchase a decal for my car in Alexandria county. Well "the Law" found me before I got the decal and I got a ticket. What makes it even worse is that I got the same ticket the next weekend because apparently I didn't fix the problem fast enough.

Then Nathaniel added to our score when a "Boy in Blue" didn't like our speed on I-81. Definitely a speed trap. The Limit was just reduced, we were on a down hill and the "5-0" was behind a hill. Nathaniel had increased his speed slightly to pass a truck (he had been speed controlling it the whole time) and BAM--next thing you know a copper is asking him if everybody else drove off a bridge would he do it too. Shucks.

The final and forth vehical violation was on Nathaniel's green Honda for expired plates. Apparently, he hadn't notified the DMV of his move yet and they probably sent his renewal information to his old address, where his forwarding information had expired. That makes a total if 4 in 10 days. We are averaging a ticket every 2.5 days.

This craziness has to stop, I don't think we can afford it!

Nathaniel's Note: I follow polotics very closely and try to verify all of my information with primary sources. I am an unbiased independant voter that just so happens to dislike The Pit Bull. On a side note, the Republicans have had control of the executive and legislative branches for the better part of 20 years, so there is more to complain about for them; this is purely coincedental. Every party has it's shining lights and it's poopy bottom-feeders ;) NOT that I am trying to make any direct correlation between PALIN and POOP, but you get the picture. Not a mental one, I hope :D PLUS I get excited about non-emotionally charged political repartee. Even if that repartee is with myself and, well...this blog. Shoot.


Anonymous said...

Now that is the worst luck I have ever heard of. I hope you got your new decal before number three is handed you. When it rains it pours.

Anonymous said...

Cristy i am shocked. i mean come on. with your history i expected you to be able to cry your way out of those tickets. remember the time you got out of going 70 in a 35? if you could do that you should be able to get out of a litte tagless violation :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Seriously? I think it sounds like someone has some sort of vendetta against you guys! How annoying...

On Nathaniel's side note: Since you brought it up... :>P....I would also consider myself a "candidate" voter vs. a "party" voter. I am certainly not naive enough to believe that ANY party (or any one besides Jesus, for that matter) "walks on water". I have voted in the past for Democrats at the state and local level because I felt that candidate would do a better job. However I would say I vote Republican most of the time- not because I tow the party line- but because that party better represents my social, economic and moral viewpoints.
Since I am also a student of our lovely political process (Yeah, I'm crazy, I love to talk politics), I definitely have things I would love to discuss with you, especially concerning Obama, but I don't know if this is the forum. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and politics are divisive. :>P
If you want to yak with me, let me know and we can email.

Anonymous said...

You guys have beat my record for tickets with that timeline! And anyone who knew me in my young years, you guys are dang impressive!!!! I never got 4 tickets in 10 days, though I have plently more than 4 in my lifetime. Keep it up that way Da can make fun of you two instead of me! Just kidding:)
Love nik

Anonymous said...


I mean - sorry sis....

Anonymous said...

Man, somehow I missed everyone's updates. Oops. Did the cop really ask you if everyone jumped off a bridge would you? That's awesome. How did you not laugh???

Anonymous said...

All I really can say is wow what bad luck! It is kind of like one of those things. You think life is perfect and Shazam! Not so Perfect.