Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cristy's Baby Shower, Easter 2012, and Troy's First Carnival :)

The Young Women in our Ward are really awesome. They decided (on their own) that they wanted to throw Cristy a baby shower, and with that initiative the Young Women Leaders organized the event and invited a few of Cristy's friends for a small but very pleasant get-together. (Pictured, from left to right, Ivy, Emily, Des, Polly, and Danae). And thanks to Vanessa for hosting (and taking the picture ;)
The Awesome Young Women!
Vanessa e-mailed one day and asked Nathaniel what Cristy's favorite treats/prego cravings were, and all of those were provided at the event! Quack quack. (Important note: the cupcakes on the left are from Georgetown Cupcakes, the premiere cupcake joint in D.C.. They are expensive but well worth the price!)
Diapers. The Young Women don't realize how thoughtful this gift is!
Who wouldn't want a quilted lizard beanie? Nathaniel does!
Cristy and Nathaniel have already decided that this next boy is going to be crazy. And not "crazy like a fox," we mean straight crazy. Ergo, this onesie speaks the truth. 
This year Troy was old enough to participate in two Easter egg hunts: one at church with all of the Primary and one with his Virginia grandmothers. Troy was a pro after his first hunt, and was practically using "the force" to collect eggs at Abuela's house. (We have a video, but sadly, new blogger will not permit us to upload the video because it is too large :(
Though "the force" is indeed strong with this one, Troy decided to humor his Grammy and allowed her to help him reach  the higher-up eggs. You can see by her expression that she was sufficiently satisfied. 
Ray guns, jelly bean guns. Potatoes, potatos. 
Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. 
Alas, good things sometimes come to an end. Troy's first girlfriend, Elena, decided to move to Colorado to be closer to her grandparents. She and Troy were heartbroken (do you see how he searcher for her in the distance as pictured above?). 
Her 2nd birthday party was a blast, and all the kids had a ton of fun at the fancy park. 
Alexandria is fortunate enough to be the home of a really cool Carnival once a year. Though Troy was not yet big enough to hop on any of the rides, he was truly mesmerized by the shiny lights and all of the motion and screaming. 


nate&amanda said...

Um...that wasn't Cristy's baby shower because I wasn't there and I would never miss her baby shower. We really miss you guys. I can't wait to see pictures of your new little man.

Unknown said...

We were just thinking about you guys and wondering when little brother is coming! Looks like you have been having lots of fun recently!