Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fun Pics of the Troy in April - May 2012

Troy says, "Hiding Mama! Hiding!"
Troy says, "Who are you and why are you near my bed?!?"
Troy loves bikes, just like his Dad! Should Troy get a Strider bike for Christmas (or before?)
Men in Diapers: The Prequel
One of the great things about our apartment complex is all the Mormon Moms and Toddlers. Look at them play!
Troy just loved giving his bear piggy back rides that night. So cute!
Clothing Fail. Or was it? duh Duh DUH!
Gotta start them young on the Remington Owners Manuals.  (Doesn't he look like a little man reading a book ?)
This will be a new X-Games sport within the decade. YOU watch. 
Just go with it. He's curious...


nate&amanda said...

Oh I love that Troyathan! I sure miss hanging out in the courtyard. Stupid Utah being so far from Virginia!

Grandma Sue said...

He is so big - can't wait to see him - and you too!!